Monday, June 20, 2011

Bon Appétit

I do not know if a summer thing or just the thought that I am now back home with a kitchen, but lately I have been in a cooking mode.I do not think I can get tired of looking up blogs related to food. I specially enjoy reading about vegan/gluten free/raw food life styles. There are so many bright ideas out there, it amazes me. Last Sunday, I made dinner for my family. Here is a quick recap of the the recipes I used.

In the morning, I made Pane di Granoturco (Shout out to Chef John)
which I used to make garlic bread for dinner.

For dinner I made "Speed It Up Spinach and Chickpeas" by this great blogger named Angela. I left out the croutons.
Did you know that Prego means "You are welcome" in Italian?!
I learned that a year ago, after my one and only Italian class I took in school.
I added some tomato sauce to the dish.
I also baked spaghetti squash with Chef John's help.
The thing I like about this squash is that when it is cooked, it looks like spaghetti, but it has a light taste. Great substitute!
Here is the finish product:
Add mozzarella cheese and it's a deal!

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