Thursday, November 19, 2020

Maturity of love

"Do not accept anything as the truth if it lacks love. And do not accept anything as love is it lacks the truth. One without the other is a destructive lie."
-Edith Stein

1 Corinthians Ch.13:1-8 (partial):

If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 How can we share our hearts with others, if we are too afraid to examine it ourselves?

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Daily Sacrifices

Now Playing: "Mamastery" by Danielle Rose

Last week, a friend of mine share the song "Mamastery" with me. She shared how this song brought her strength for getting out of bed and starting her day and so, I had to try it for myself. 

Wow. It was like a gentle push to welcoming the daily martyrdom with anticipation. It is beautiful how this song is moving, even to those that are not mothers. It gave me the hope that often I lack, specially when I am stumble by the fears of the sacrifices I only imagine one must endure when fulfilling their vocations. 

Perhaps the song will move your heart too. 

"Cloistered in these walls

My sacrifices hidden

Consecrating life

For my children

This is where God called me

To fulfill my vows

To give my life to him

As wife and mother now"  - Lyrics by Danielle Rose

Good night,


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The desire to be pursued

Shuffling through an early 2000's playlist, I stumbled upon the song Never Had A Dream Come True by S Club 7. The song held strong memories that were far more dear to my heart than I had realized. The depth came from what God revealed in my heart through the person. 

The year was 2005, and I had just transferred to a new school midway through the Fall semester. I was used to being the new kid and was very soft spoken. Despite that, the excitement of the unknown was still present. God truly did bless me to find faithful friends along the way. 

His name was Mark. It was eighth grade and we both shared the same classes. He was the soccer "star" and one of the class clowns. He really didn't mind making a fool of himself, and for that, I admired him. He sat right behind me. Since it was Autumn, the biggest hype for upcoming school events was the halloween dance. Mark was not the sort of boy to beat around the bush, as one morning, during our home base class, he tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to go to the dance with him. What I had wished to do at those moments, was to disappear from the classroom. Banish and never come back (because I was afraid of boys). My reaction was a nervous chuckle follow by shaking my head. I was so scared! My response did not retaliate Mark from asking again. The following week, Mark repeated his request, since my silent nonverbal response was not clear enough?! Sooner or later he got my answer, as my "no" became a bit more and more assertive. In my dreams, I wanted to go to the dance with a date. In reality, I was not ready to face the possibilities of having my dream come true. 

When the dance approached, as a very self conscious teen, I decided my halloween costume to be a casual outfit and a tiara (to "live life on the edge").  I don't remember much of the dance, just having a good time with a group of friends. What I do remember was the switch of tunes, when the first melodies of the slow song played on the speakers. It was at those moments that I started regretting my decision to decline Mark, because I really wanted to a dance to slow song. My thoughts were disrupted as I got a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, Mark stood there smiling and asked me to dance with him. 

The song, Never Had A Dream Come True, played. My fears, my nervousness, disappeared as Mark led us on the dance floor. I wonder where my mind was while spinning in slow circles on the dance floors, but I bet I was squealing somewhat on the inside. As the song ended, Mark led me on the last spin and said the most swooning words I had heard as a kid, "have a goodnight, princess!' By his demeanor, I knew he meant it in a gentle and sincere way. Those were the last memories to that song. 

Reflecting on the events, I realize how God was present in revealing matters of the heart to me through Mark. Replaying the memories, I recalled the desire to be pursued. To be seen worthy to make a man be moved, to be chased in the best of ways, and to be treasured. I hold on to this memory to remember the purity of intentionality that is real in this world (because it is far too easy to lose hope). The kind of beauty where respect and dignity are met with authenticity. My eighth grade friend, Mark, showed me with so much simplicity, how a man can use their gifts to show woman the truth of our identities in the image and likeness of God. 

If I were to see my eighth grade friend again, I would thank him for the way he treated me and pursue me with courage, respect, and simply said, innocence. 


Ahh me

Friday, August 28, 2020

Litany of Trust

New city - new morning

"From the believe that I have to earn Your love. Deliver me, Jesus"

-Litany of Trust by Sisters of Life

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Stretching the heart


It has been a while since I wrote a heartfelt post. Sometimes, it is challenging to start off, because I question who my intended audience is. Not the same challenges I had when I first started this blog 10 years ago, and simply thought, why not... :) I thought it would be good to reflect on some of the hard lessons I have learned through these 10 years. Sometimes the spotlight is better placed on the "tough" lessons, rather the our standard highlights that are selectively chosen for the reel.   

Aging is a thing!!! This is silly one. My own eyes are rolling. The hard lesson of consecutive injuries due to my stubbornness to believe that I had the same abilities as I did as my younger self led me trough tough times that prevented me from doing what I could have been capable of doing, if I took better care of myself.
Humility is still not easy. I heard it be said that one of the ways one can practice humility is when one lands themselves in an opportunity of embarrassment.  When feeling ridicule, one can mentally tell God, I offer my humiliation to you and in essence...own it. Ouch. It stings.

Nothing in this world will satisfy the longing in our hearts for God. One can be in one of the most iconic places in the world, and yet have the heart be so shut off to really be present to the scenery. At the time of the photo below, I felt so frustrated that my heart and head were in two different places. Some photos can be deceiving like this one. Switzerland was beautiful, but my heart longed for something more and no distractions could alleviate the ache in my heart. Now Playing: There's Gotta be More to Life by Stacie Orrico

There is an African proverb that goes "when you pray, move your feet." I've been learning that sometimes, when we pray, we must stay still. There have been times when what I longed for was not reality, or in opposition to what God's will was. While I vouch for doing our part when we pray to God, one's own awareness of impulsive tendencies can clarify the times when staying still is a practice of obedience to God. Now Playing: Like Incense (With Sometimes by Step) by Hillsong
"The hearts has its reasons, which reason knows nothing off." -Aristotle. I just want to flip a table (figuratively) when I reflect of this one because I wish for everything to make logical sense. It can be frustrating to know that logic cannot answer everything. This has been important in distinguishing the matters of the heart. Feelings come and go, but distinguishing their relevancy is the challenge. 
Vulnerability looks different in each person. I used to be so amazed that people could talk so freely about their family life or their monotonous stories of the week because to me, it would fall into the category of conversations I would not have with just everyone, only few selected people that I knew that would listen. Not just hear. In ways, I was jealous of them because I thought, how could they expose of matters close to the heart and yet not be affected on how the others would take it? I learned a metaphor by Fr. Mike Schmitz, talking about this subject. The example was a fish tank. Some people live their entire life as transparent as a fish tank, but that does not necessarily mean that they are vulnerable. Vulnerability would be allowing someone to go inside their fish tank. In essence, allowing someone into my fish tank was not necessarily a comparison into how much I shared with everyone, but evaluating if I allowed others in *prudently*. 
Dependence on God, and not one's own senses. For anyone that shares the same traits as me, to rely heavily on experiences and facts, it can be easy to dismiss the graces God bestows on all of us. The danger lies in the path that could lead one into cynicism, in which one loses hope that others could choose selfless dispositions. In one aspect is the lack of trust, in another, the lack of communion and respect. I for one, wish to say that I overcame this hurdle...not yet. For example are the facts of divorces, pornography, and infidelity. Though I know there is truth, beauty, and goodness in the world, the senses can act as defense mechanism to put the brokenness at the forefront. How can we replace that defense mechanism with God who can defend and protect us from all evil? How can we see the goodness in others? Goodness will triumph! Now Playing: Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson 

Pointing the mirror back. Typically, when I think of pointing the mirror, I think of correcting someone's actions by pointing the mirror in their direction to make their reflection visible. This lesson, required pointing the mirror back to myself... My mom, with all of her wisdom, shook me to learn from her own errors. She told me, "you do not want to be my age until you look back and realize of the beauty you didn't know you had." In its depth, this is not a topic of vanity, it is connected to humility. When my mom spoke about looking at herself from pictures of years back, I know she intended to portray the memory of how she had viewed herself back then. Is as if our present blinded eyes can deter us from seeing our worth. I don't want to wait 20 years to be convicted with truth of my own dignity and I don't want others to fall in that trapped either. 
More than words. The depths of love in action is so yearning to the heart. Both in giving and receiving. What moves you? Now Playing: More than Words by Extreme

Own mistakes. Now Playing: Over my head by The Fray.

Love All You Can! 



Friday, July 24, 2020

Looking Up

"Faith is like a bright ray of sunlight. It enables us to see God in all things as well as all things in God." 
-St. Francis de Sale

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Before you go

Sometimes, songs can touch the heart so deeply. Lately, I've found myself humming to the tune of the song Before You Go performed by Lewis Capaldi. 

To think that there are people out there, at these moments feeling so worthless, feeling so helpless. It aches the heart. I know I am not in their shoes, but having felt a sense of worthlessness and/or helplessness before, one just wishes no one else would have to feel that sort of agony. 

So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go
-Lewis Capaldi

God bless all souls.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ultimatum Poem

I wondered why my heart longed for
something other than The perfect one
It made no logic
It made no peace
To believe that I longed for someone else broken... like me
Neither a trend nor a false sublime
What goes on inside is far from serene
The mind screams the 'oughts' of where I should be
Not tomorrow or in the future, but as I stand some ways..of defeat

What is the meaning of life, goes the iterative algorithm
It is to love, and to do it well. I truly believe it!
The Pearl of Great Price, springs forward to mind.
My heart betrays me to settle first for seeking a human kind.
Can I dispose of my twisted desire?
I want to be loved by our maker, not just an esquire.
If I could just pour out my endless thoughts and wishes,
I'd like to go back to the well, and say goodbye to the fishes.

Yes, I do realize, the cry for an escapism
It is an odd comfort when dealing with skepticism

Sincerely ,

Thursday, May 14, 2020


I was working and then I spotted this

I remember hearing a testimony from a lady that learned to be more aware of God's presence in the little things throughout her days. She had mentioned an example, one day she was rising fruits in the sink, and while doing so, it hit her. She realized that rising the grapes to get rid of all that was dirty, was similarly to how God so too, wants to deliver us from all of our sins. It is very possible that I butchered her story, but in its simplicity of living through the monotonous acts of her daily life, how wonderful it was it to be reveal that!?! This little shadow reminded me of her. 

How is God speaking to you today?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


"Our Lord has created persons for all states in life, and in all of them we see people who achieved sanctity by fulfilling their obligations well. " 
St. Anthony Mary Claret

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Formation of the Heart

"Suffering that is not transformed will be transmitted." - Sister Miriam James Heidland

When I go running, I have certain days in which I feel so freeing. So light and "in the zone." Then there comes those days, where it just feels that for every stride taken, more weight is added on.  It is like running on muddy grounds.

These days feel like those muddy runs and it can get frustrating. I WANT THAT MUD OUT. Main reason being that it can lead to despondency. In the spirits of being real to oneself, how does one handle such turfs? First instincts are to find distractions, yet, it is one of those that once you know what you are can't extract reality out.


"Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond the pain." St. Bartholomew