Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ultimatum Poem

I wondered why my heart longed for
something other than The perfect one
It made no logic
It made no peace
To believe that I longed for someone else broken... like me
Neither a trend nor a false sublime
What goes on inside is far from serene
The mind screams the 'oughts' of where I should be
Not tomorrow or in the future, but as I stand some ways..of defeat

What is the meaning of life, goes the iterative algorithm
It is to love, and to do it well. I truly believe it!
The Pearl of Great Price, springs forward to mind.
My heart betrays me to settle first for seeking a human kind.
Can I dispose of my twisted desire?
I want to be loved by our maker, not just an esquire.
If I could just pour out my endless thoughts and wishes,
I'd like to go back to the well, and say goodbye to the fishes.

Yes, I do realize, the cry for an escapism
It is an odd comfort when dealing with skepticism

Sincerely ,

Thursday, May 14, 2020


I was working and then I spotted this

I remember hearing a testimony from a lady that learned to be more aware of God's presence in the little things throughout her days. She had mentioned an example, one day she was rising fruits in the sink, and while doing so, it hit her. She realized that rising the grapes to get rid of all that was dirty, was similarly to how God so too, wants to deliver us from all of our sins. It is very possible that I butchered her story, but in its simplicity of living through the monotonous acts of her daily life, how wonderful it was it to be reveal that!?! This little shadow reminded me of her. 

How is God speaking to you today?