Monday, September 15, 2014

Thankful #4

Because I think this is worth sharing.

" role as a man to not just pursue you through the great valleys and mountains, but to fight for you when you are tempted by a serpent, to be a mirror and reflect the beauty that God created you in, to uphold your dignity and not defame it by watching pornography, to point you back to God instead of to my own desires and pleasures, and to treat you as a subject not an object."

I am thankful for hope. That even with wounds and scars, we still have hope. 

Ahhhhhh meee

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thankful #3

Now Playing: All Star by Smash Mouth

Today, I am thankful for friends. Specifically for their letters in the mail.
It's an undeserved gift. Friends are such a blessing! Even when they are miles away, the thought that they thought of you could make anyone know that they are loved.


God Bless friends!

-Ahhhh meeeeee