Monday, June 27, 2011

Over the sun

Trials are part of life.
Its a challenge to make us stronger.
Sometimes, it just seems impossible to overcome them.
Overwhelmed, frightened, and stressed.
Did I mention anxiety?
But, like always, it does get better.
Sometimes they come and go in a heart beat.
Other times, it's the total opposite. Where the problem just seems to stick with you for years.
There are always exceptions.
For example; a person dealing with type 1 diabetes is not in control of obtaining it and curing.
Sometimes, all we can do is pray and altered our lifestyles to whatever trials are sent our way.
That doesn't mean to stop your engine, and let the wind move you.
It doesn't mean to do the least amount of work while letting time pass by.
It means, that you must face your trial.
You must prepare and warm-up for the race.
You must line up at the starting line and follow rules.
Because shortcuts only lead to more trials.
And when that shotgun rings.
You must give it your very best and remember to run a smart race.
This race is different though.
You are not here to get first place.
Nor are you here to get a time limit.
You are here to finish what you started, at your own pace.
In this race (trial), you will be running with people of all sizes who are facing the same challenge.
Do not be discourage when you hear that some people have already finish the race while you still have a long way to go.
Most importantly, do not think less of yourself.
I know it is hard, but at those times, you are probably very thirsty and might be thinking of stopping for bit.
Do not stop though, all you really need to do is hydrate yourself.
With pure faith that is.
I have one more thing to say about this race.
The sidelines will most likely will always be filled with optical illusions that are there for distraction.
If you ever glance at the sideline, think of a dog chasing its tale and keep moving forward.
What about the finish?
I am sorry, but I cannot write it for you.
All I can do is give you a tip.
Pray and do not give up.

I wrote this the day after receiving my second exam back. Challenged: accomplished. I thought that maybe if anyone is ever in need of motivation, that they could read this to not lose hope. I was very scared to get my exam back because I did not do so well in the first one.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

5:30 am

That is the time I am suppose to wake up . It's part of my summer goal: To wake up around 5:30 and go jogging (Only on weekdays). Why so early? I have a morning class, so I might as well attempt to be a morning person. :)I made a very filling breakfast consisting of gluten free pancakes and coffee. Here is quick look:

I used Maple Grove Farm's Gluten Free Pancake mix. Surprisingly, it was cheaper than some of the regular pancake mixes sold at my local store.
There is a trick to cooking these yummy treats. You must have your stove in low heat or else they turn to charcoal looking disks. NO LIE!
This is a pie in-the-making from the same day.
(I felt like adding some red to this post)
Food art. XD

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bon Appétit

I do not know if a summer thing or just the thought that I am now back home with a kitchen, but lately I have been in a cooking mode.I do not think I can get tired of looking up blogs related to food. I specially enjoy reading about vegan/gluten free/raw food life styles. There are so many bright ideas out there, it amazes me. Last Sunday, I made dinner for my family. Here is a quick recap of the the recipes I used.

In the morning, I made Pane di Granoturco (Shout out to Chef John)
which I used to make garlic bread for dinner.

For dinner I made "Speed It Up Spinach and Chickpeas" by this great blogger named Angela. I left out the croutons.
Did you know that Prego means "You are welcome" in Italian?!
I learned that a year ago, after my one and only Italian class I took in school.
I added some tomato sauce to the dish.
I also baked spaghetti squash with Chef John's help.
The thing I like about this squash is that when it is cooked, it looks like spaghetti, but it has a light taste. Great substitute!
Here is the finish product:
Add mozzarella cheese and it's a deal!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I have four things to say...
  1. I like walking.
2. Alone with nature
3. If you like to walk, and like to know where you are going, check out MapMyRun, where you can "map your run", walk, cycle, or hop. :) It's a great site if you want to estimate your miles/kilometers.
4. Another great website for training or just motivation is Daily Mile. I have used it in the past to trained for races when I had weekly mile goals.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Quick Post

A month back, after a deep talk with a friend, my friend suggested I look up this prayer.

It is called The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Sometimes, I find it hard to adjust to the world. By that I mean, the shifting in the cultural values. What is now accepted as normal from the media is not always right, and that scares me, because some things are very subliminal that are hard to catch. To that I say;

Trust in the Lord.

Friday, June 10, 2011


backwards for...AWESOME.

Those days were worrying is the last thing on your mind.
Smiles from strangers. (crossing paths)
Sprinklers on a summer day
Scent of flowers and the summer breeze
Refreshing e-mail to find a new message
*Insert Picture*
Stepping outside to the perfect temperature.
The random mood to go on a jog/run/workout
Proactive days
Rain drops on a sunny day. (Perfect drops of water moving at an angle that hits the ground where there is sunlight.)The end.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I say Hello

You might be thinking “What?! A new post? I cannot believe it!”

Neither can I. Kidding.

I am back to blogging *hooray*.

This time, I am just going with the flow.

I decided to mix it up a bit.

I feel like taking a break from “quote + picture” mode. Although it was fun posting quote with pictures, a lot of the times, it wasn't. As a slight perfectionist, if I did not find the right quote or the right picture, I would save my posts as draft…and never do anything with it. After a while it felt like a chore. Haha.

So now what?

Now it is all about SPONTANEITY.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


"When at night you cannot sleep, talk to the Shepherd and stop counting sheep."
~Author Unknown